The Best Simple Potato Soup

The Best Simple Potato Soup

The delicious combination of potato and scallions in this hearty soup results in the perfect “comfort food” dish. And although this recipe tastes rich, it actually is lower in calories than most potato soup recipes! Enjoy the comforting flavors and textures of a baked potato-in 

The Best Minestrone Soup

The Best Minestrone Soup

Minestrone soup is a hearty and classic Italian soup, made with tomatoes, vegetables, beans, and pasta. This recipe is packed with protein and nutrients-and is filling and delicious! INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 yellow onion, finely chopped 1 cup carrots (sliced) 1 cup celery (sliced)  1 zucchini, peeled and chopped 

The Best Healthy Comfort Food: Quinoa Vegetarian Chili

The Best Healthy Comfort Food: Quinoa Vegetarian Chili

Quinoa ChiliThis dish is healthy, hearty, delicious, and (best of all) easy to cook! The fluffy texture of the quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) complements the crunchy/grainy texture of the beans and the sweetness of the corn and tomatoes.   Quinoa Chili 2 tablespoons oil1 large onion, chopped2